Obfuscated javascript
Obfuscated javascript

obfuscated javascript

And any tool that promises that is not being honest. Since the JavaScript runs on the browser, the browser's JavaScript engine must be able to read and interpret it, so there's no way to prevent that. No, while it's impossible to recover the exact original source code, someone with the time, knowledge and patience can reverse-engineer it.

obfuscated javascript

You can show your work to the client knowing that they won't have the source code until the invoice has been paid. Protection of work that hasn't been paid for yet.Making it faster to load and harder to understand Removal of comments and whitespace that aren't needed.This is specially important on 100% client side projects, such as HTML5 games Prevent anyone from simply copy/pasting your work.There are numerous reasons why it's a good idea to protect your code, such as: FAQ Why would I want to obfuscate my JavaScript code?

Obfuscated javascript